Sunday, January 18, 2009

Meet Peace Bear

Davis and I have belonged to a wonderful mother-daughter book club for the past couple of years. At our most recent meeting, we decided to do a project called geo-bear, which one of the moms had read about. The goal is to have the bear journey throughout the world by means of kind travelers. Hopefully, we would get updates about the bear and her location through postcards, emails and notes in the bear’s notepad. We all thought this was a wonderful idea, and in relationship to the book we had just read (Schooled by Gordon Korman), our members’ interest, and the idea that learning about other cultures promotes acceptance and understanding, we named the bear Peace Bear.

Since we are heading to Mexico, we were an obvious choice to start Peace Bear on her travels, and we’ll be looking for someone we can pass her along to. First however, she’ll probably get to check out some of Mexico City with us, so if you see her in a few pictures, you’ll know why she’s so special!


  1. Oh that is sooo cool! Is she kind of like Flat Stanley? Only she doesn't get mailed?

    :) Amy

  2. Yes, Amy, it's kind of like a Flat Stanley that doesn't get mailed.
